23 August 2013

Cold And Painful

While the juniors are away in Thailand, the seniors went ice skating at Kallang. Although most of them are novice skaters, they certainly had a great time there. And the most crazy and daring skater in the rink must be Ricky.


The Sec Ones left for Lampang, Thailand yesterday. And this evening, I received news that they did very well at the Thailand Sports School Games. They garnered a total of 5 Gold 3 Silver and 2 Bronze.

Note: Just added photos that were sent to me from Lampang. And I think photos from Iphone cannot make it. Haha.

12 August 2013

Strongman Challenge

I was amazed that the girls can lift the huge rubber tire. A few more sessions of this nature and I don't think I would dare to mess with them anymore. Anyway, the monkeys can give themselves a pat on the back for great effort displayed during this gym session.