23 October 2013

2 Time Olympic Champion

The academy had the good fortune of meeting the 2 time Olympic shotgun gold medalist, Michael Diamond. This humble Australian sportsman also won several world championships titles.

This afternoon, he shared his shooting experiences and also what it takes to be a champion – discipline, hard work and patience.

At the end of the session, the shooters were rushing to take photos with him and his Olympics gold medals. He also patiently autographed their t-shirts, journals and target cards.

Once again, a very big thank you to this wonderful and inspiring champion! The academy would certainly root for him in his quest to do it all over again.

20 October 2013

Freshmen Camp

It was 4 long days of sun, sea, dance and fun. I am sure the P6 shooters enjoyed themselves immensely. We look forward to welcome them into the Shooting Academy in Janauary.

02 October 2013

Free For All

They were learning the basic of a floorball game. They went about their drills diligently. However, all hell broke loose when the matches started.