21 May 2014

Whispering Softly

Can sound travel through a head. You have to ask these 3 girls for the answer. Haha!

Mini Ping Pong Challenge

We had just enough time to play a mini ping pong game. From the photos, you can tell that these 6 junior monkeys had a fun time.

Stretching And Trigger Ball

The monkeys were taught stretching and also the usages of trigger ball to relief their aching body. Sigh! So young and so much pain and aches.

10 May 2014

APC 2014

It's that day of the year, where parents, staff and students got together to compete against one another. The shooting event saw a very good turnout and everyone enjoyed themselves. Here are the results after adding 600 handicap points to the parent and staff teams: 1st Staff, 2nd Parents and 3rd Students.