The shooters had to make a tough choice when they graduated from their primary school, which is, coming to the sports school so that they may pursue their sporting dreams. Just like all those before them, they were not alone when they took the route less travelled.
On behalf of the children, a big thank you to all the dads and mums for their unwavering devotion and support at the major crossroads of the shooters' life. From the perspective of the children, here is one for these unsung heroes.
Crossroads In My Life
I stand at a crossroads in my life
Uncertain, perplexed and baffled
Shall I continue down the main road
Or turn off to the one less travelled
I would not have arrived at this point
If you were not there to help me out
I do not think I can forge ahead
If you are not here to clear my doubt
It does not matter which route I choose
That hilly climb or the scenic drive
All I want is for you to be here
Standing at each crossroads in my life